Wonersh and Shamley Green Church of England Primary School

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Guildford Road, Shamley Green, Surrey, GU5 0RT



Wonersh and Shamley Green Church of England Primary School

A Learning Adventure with Kindness

  1. All about us
  2. Vision and values

Vision and values

In an exciting, challenging, safe and distinctly Christian environment, children and staff feel happy and valued, and are encouraged to become independent, confident, creative and enthusiastic learners.


A Learning Adventure with Kindness

Learning at WSG is all part of an exciting adventure: an adventure that prepares our children for the next step in their education, developing them into confident, effective learners and independent thinkers.  Every adventure comes with its challenges; we teach our children to embrace these challenges, take risks and learn from them.  Taking time to reflect and review is a key part of our curriculum. 

In the knowledge that we are both loved and unique in the eyes of God, our aim at WSG is to provide all children with a broad, stimulating and creative curriculum which encourages curiosity and a lifelong love of learning.  Our vibrant classroom environments, exciting outdoor space and woodlands inspire awe and wonder – our children come to school eager to know what their learning will bring that day and ready to embrace the challenges their learning presents.

Our children discover the importance of kindness, respect, tolerance and empathy as part of a nurturing community whilst on their journey as members of the WSG family.  Within the family feel that we create, achievements are celebrated and everyone learns to value and include others.  We aim to do everything with kindness.


Promoting British Values  at Wonersh and Shamley Green C of E Primary School

The Department for Education (DfE) expect all schools to promote “fundamental British values” of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

As a Church of England school the Christian values of friendship, respect, valuing individuals and nurture are interwoven through the everyday learning and life of the staff and children at our school. These values are promoted as we engage with the wider school community; our parents, friends, local parishioners and local, national and international partner schools. We believe that we are all global citizens and through our assemblies, PSHEC lessons and international links we promote an understanding of our responsibilities as local, national and global citizens.  

The following document outlines how we promote British Values in our school.

Promoting British Values